Our Story
Chapter 2: Friendship

Several months after graduation, a mutual friend invited Janelle to a weekly game night that Matt had been attending for several years. Through their regular interactions at game night, they began to form a casual friendship within the context of that group. They began to notice qualities in each other that they appreciated. Matt found Janelle's outgoing and expressive personality attractive, while Janelle appreciated the way that Matt listed to and cared for the people around him. They both enjoyed greeting each other with a hug as well as talking together late into the night beside their cars as they were leaving.

By the following summer, Janelle and Matt had determined to organize a game night camping trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where Matt grew up. He was quite flattered that someone had taken such an interest in his homeland. They spent many hours together poring over maps and travel guides, creating an itinerary for the trip, and figuring out all the details. In July, four friends set out for Michigan in a packed minivan, ready for adventure! They had a fabulous time, visiting Matt's family, hiking up sand dunes, traveling to Mackinac Island, and marveling at the incredible number of stars they could see from their campground. During those four days, Matt and Janelle's friendship deepened, and they began to appreciate each other even more.