Learning and Growing
- by Janelle
I can not believe how fast Micah is growing. He is already starting to outgrow a lot of his 3 month size clothes. (Remember, he is just over a month and a half old!) I have started putting him in some of the 6 month clothes and some of them don’t even look too big! We have Micah’s 2 month appointment in a week and a half, and I am very interested to see how he “measures up.” Our unofficial measurements here at home have him at around 15lbs and 23-24 inches long (It’s hard to measure). We love our big boy. 🙂
There are a few new things that have all started happening in the past week:
1. Micah has started pre-smiling. It’s more like a smirk, and it’s only there for a second, but I think that any day now we will get that all-out grin. I have yet to catch it on a camera because almost as soon as its there, it’s gone. This is the closest I have… but try to look past the fact that it’s super blurry because I took it in low light on my phone…
2. He has started sleeping longer… well… a bit. We have had a few 5-6 hour stretches. (Much better than 2-3 which it had been.) This means only getting up once at night! It has only happened a few times, but I’m hoping this is a trend. I think it’s partially due to the magical swaddle sleep sacks. They make him feel cozy, warm and safe. He had grown out of his other swaddle, so we had him in a different (swaddle-less) sleep sack. Bad news. Finally, we ordered a bigger size with swaddle online and it’s been great. Although, I’m sort of scared of what we will do after he grows out of this one, because they don’t make bigger ones than this with swaddles. Swaddling him with a blanket was just not cutting it… and most babies don’t grow out of these until they’re a bit older, but I think he still really needs to be swaddled to sleep for longer periods of time. We shall see…
3. He is holding his head up much more consistently, but still for short periods of time. Tummy time is still a challenge, but we’re getting better at it. This morning, Micah came up with a new way to hang out so that he didn’t have his face on the floor, but he also didn’t have to hold up his head. It looks suspiciously like he is ready to roll over… but he just sat there like this:
So we tried a new method. I propped him up on the Boppy and waited to see what happened. He did great!… for a little while…
And that’s how it usually goes… But, he’s definitely improving! We’ll keep working on it.
It’s so fun to see Micah’s progress as he learns and grows more each day.