Life is so fun right now. Micah is growing like crazy. We are finally getting into a bit more of a “groove,” so life isn’t quite as stressful as it was for the first few weeks. That’s not to say that days are easy, but I feel like I am at least a bit more able to tell what Micah needs or wants some of the time.
We had a great Thanksgiving, and were able to see many family members during the long weekend. Since we weren’t able to be with Matt’s extended family on Thanksgiving Day, we ventured down to Hastings the weekend before to visit Micah’s great-grandma Caryl and great-aunt Sue. We had a great time together!
I noticed that we happen to get pictures of Micah with all three of his fabulous uncles that weekend.
Uncle Josh
Uncle Sean
Uncle Tim
Some of Micah’s recent developments:
-Doing much better at holding his head up consistently
-Talking to himself (he likes to hear his own voice)
-Smiling a lot more
-Playing with his tongue
Also, Micah has developed a unfortunate talent of leaking (or exploding!) out of his diaper… a lot. We have had some rather unfortunate blowouts, and countless little leaks. Either way, we have learned quickly how to remove poopy clothes from a squirmy baby (without getting it in his hair… most of the time) and get the stains out of clothes later. One of the greatest things we did was purchase a little soaking can to put in our bathroom. That way, the stains can start soaking right away, and don’t have to dry before they are treated, srcrubbed and laundered.
Have I mentioned how thankful I am for Baloo (our minivan)? I’ve become a pro at crawling between the front two seats to feed Micah in the middle, and change his diaper on the back seat. Also, the stroller has taken up permanent residence in the trunk, which is great for shopping trips or impromptu walks. I’m sure it’ll be a bit more difficult in the bitter cold of winter, but it sure has been nice up until now.
Sitting in the back of Baloo and dealing with the fallout of one particularly bad explosion.
Recently, we celebrated Matt’s 28th birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy! Micah enjoyed celebrating with us, but unfortunately couldn’t partake in the yummy cake after dinner. Maybe next year…
Micah was a model a few days ago! They were having a photo contest at Matt’s work and we decided to make a couple of entries. The theme was “Fueled by Logic” and every picture had to feature the 50th Anniversary Water Bottle. Matt and I are not necessarily expert photographers, but we had fun setting up a few pictures to enter.
"I'm Fueled By Logic"
Just for the fun of it, here is one of our other entries…
It’s fun (and crazy) to see how Micah is growing! As of a few days ago, our unofficial measurements here at home were approx 17lb and 25inches long. It sounds crazy, but our little not-yet-three-month-old is already growing out of his 6 month clothes. He’s wearing some of his nine month clothes now, and they actually fit pretty well. So glad that some of our friends lent us a bunch of clothes so that we don’t have to buy as many outfits that he will grow out of in just a few weeks. Also, thrift stores are great!
A "9 month" outfit
Some of our friends came to visit the other night and brought their 1-month-old son. Micah has a new friend!!
We are so blessed in so many ways. The next month is sure to be crazy with Christmas and my sister’s wedding, but we look forward to celebrating Micah’s first Christmas. Somehow, having a baby makes Mary and Joseph’s experience on that first Christmas even more real this year. Last week, we were asked to light the advent candle in the service at church. It was the Bethlehem candle, and one of the verses we read was (very appropriately) the words of the prophet Micah: “But you oh Bethlehem, though you are small, out of you will come one who will be ruler over Israel.”
Since I was pregnant not that long ago, and I know how uncomfortable it can be towards the end, I can’t imagine what Mary must have been feeling as they traveled to Bethlehem just before she was to have Baby Jesus. And, what must she have been feeling to be in a stable with animals as she was giving birth to her first child! What a way for God’s Son to come into the world. I am thankful that He did.