The other day I had a GREAT idea. One of those it-could-make-me-a-millionaire ideas. One week later I found out that someone already had the idea. (A lot of someones, actually.) Oh well. I don’t want to be a millionaire, anyways.
Micah loves those little “squeezie pouches” (as we call them) of pureed fruit/vegetables.

There are a ton of companies that make them and you can get them just about anywhere these days. When we are out and about, they make a great snack for Micah. They are wonderfully neat (don’t need to worry about dirty hands), and he can suck one of them down in less than a minute. Fast, nutritious, non-messy… what’s not to love, right?
They’re expensive! You can pay over $2 for one of those little things. The cheapest ones that I’ve found aren’t very big (3.5oz), and they still cost almost a dollar each. Micah can EASILY eat two in one sitting.

And yet, we still buy them. They are just so convenient. They don’t need to be refrigerated, so we always keep an emergency stash in the bottom of the diaper bag. Micah knows they’re there, so when we’re at home he likes to dig them out and hand them to me when he’s hungry. In these cases, sometimes we go find a different snack, and sometimes I just let him have one. I mean, they’re fruits and vegetables. I shouldn’t be depriving my child of fruits and vegetables, right?
Besides the fact that Micah’s “snack” costs more than my dinner, it just seems like there is a lot of waste. Why don’t they make reusable food pouches that can be refilled? I thought.
Actually, I’d had this idea about a year ago when we were starting into the “baby food” stage. At the time, the best I could find online was a silicone canteen-looking thing that looked like it would be impossible to wash.
Someone should make a pouch just like a squeezie fruit but that has a ziploc thing on the bottom so it can be refilled.
It was my idea. I even told a bunch of people about it. I really didn’t think they existed, but I wanted to have one!
One week later, I found this at Walmart:

Whaaat? Apparently, I wasn’t the only (or even the first) one to have this great idea.
I texted Matt that someone stole my idea (I guess we won’t be millionaires), and then I got over it and we bought the two-pouch pack to give them a try. Let’s just say that I think we got our money’s worth out of those pouches within the next two days.

I really think that Micah would eat just about anything out of one of those pouches. I’ve mixed up some pretty strange concoctions – different combinations of fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, yogurt, juices… and he seems to love them all. Our Magic Bullet has been super convenient for this purpose.
The one annoying thing about these pouches is the lid. The hard plastic opening is nice for filling, but is hard to close and makes it impossible to get out the last of the food. Even when Micah sucks with all his might (and I help squish it up), we always end up with some waste.

A quick Amazon search revealed that many other people have had the same problems with this pouch. Several of the reviewers mentioned other brands of reusable pouches that they liked better.
Other people had the same idea, too??
There are a bunch of other kinds, actually. They all seem to have come out fairly recently, though. I read some reviews and decided to try out the Little Green Pouch.

They hold more food (6oz) than the other pouches we have, and have a zipper along the top for filling. So awesome.
Micah tried out the Little Green Pouch for the first time this morning, and I’d say he liked it.

I’m excited to try out a bunch of new food combinations in smoothies for Micah. The pouches come in a 4-pack, so maybe I’ll whip up one for myself, too! 🙂
Don’t worry, I still think it’s important for Micah to eat non-smoothie foods to work on chewing, hand coordination, eating with a spoon/fork, etc. It’ll just be really nice if we’re going out somewhere, or if his toddler picky-ness ramps up and he refuses vegetables or something.
Too bad my great idea was already taken. But, this way I get to USE the awesome product instead of just wishing it existed. I guess I’ll just have to come up with another great idea to make me rich.
Or not. 🙂