31 Weeks
- by Janelle
Hello belly!! Today I started thinking… what in the world am I going to wear if my belly keeps on growing for 9 more weeks?? Haha. Perhaps a toga or something. Even many my maternity clothes that I bought a few months ago are starting to be too short to fit over my ever-growing tummy. It’s so frustrating!
Certain things that I do are definitely getting more uncomfortable as my belly grows, but I can’t really complain much. Baby is being pretty good to me these days. I can’t believe all of the kicks and punches that I feel on a regular basis – just reminding me that a miracle is growing in there!
Today, we had another ultrasound. As I had mentioned before, the doc was slightly concerned about my measurements at the last appointment, so she had us come in for another ultrasound to make sure that the baby was growing ok and didn’t have gestational diabetes. I’ve been a bit worried for the past 2 weeks, just waiting to see what we would find out today.
Turns out… we’re just going to have a big baby. The ultrasound tech commented that our baby already has a big head, and is just generally large. Also, there is extra amniotic fluid, so that makes my belly extra big. According to the doctor, things are just fine, and we’ll just keep and eye out and see how things continue to go. She didn’t seem to be very concerned after the ultrasound info, so that was a huge relief to both of us.
The doc said that the birth size of the parents often has something to do with a child’s birth size, and I was an almost-10lb baby, so maybe this shouldn’t be a big surprise. Apparently, we may just be from a line of big-headed, large babies. 🙂 Thinking about delivering a big baby is a bit daunting, but I figure if my mom did it, I can too, right?
One of the fun parts of this appointment today was that we got to see our Little One again in the ultrasound! It was harder to distinguish things this time (because Baby is so much bigger and we didn’t have as much time), but we still saw some fun things and got some more pictures.
I think my favorite thing we saw was Baby’s face. It’s hard to tell from the pictures, but when you can see the baby moving on the screen and the tech is “scanning” in and out, you almost get a 3D view of things. We could see Baby opening his/her mouth and drinking in the amniotic fluid, which was super cute. The tech said she thinks the baby has my nose. 🙂
The other thing that we weren’t necessarily able to see before is that Baby has really cute chubby cheeks!
The tech also said that she could see some hair on the baby’s head. We are getting so excited to meet our Little One and actually see what he/she looks like!!
We’ll continue to keep you updated. Thanks to everyone for keeping us in your prayers.