Jonah Olaf Knutson was born on Thursday, February 20th at 9:08am. He weighed 8lb 14oz and was 20.5 inches long.
Throughout the pregnancy doctors were estimating (due to the measurements that they took) that Baby #2 would be about the same size as Micah was when he was born (10 and a half pounds), or even bigger. We were going to try for a VBAC, but due to various circumstances, we ended up going in for a scheduled c-section a few days before the due date. I was SO READY to get that baby OUT! It actually turned out to be quite convenient because were able to drop off Micah with my parents the night before, come home to pack things up, and get some good sleep the night before. I felt huge.
The next morning, we had to be to the hospital by 6am. As I was prepped (aka pumped up with TONS of fluids) and we waited for our scheduled time, Matt and I finally discussed names a bit. Weeks ago we had narrowed our options down to about 6 boy names, but we figured that we should probably shorten the list a bit more before he was actually born. Luckily, we had already agreed on a middle name (Olaf), so it was just the first name that we were discussing.
The name Olaf is from my grandpa, who passed away three months ago at the age of 98. He was an amazing man, and was so excited for us to have a baby. Even though they were never able to meet, Jonah will have a lot that he can learn from the life of his great-grandpa Olaf.
By the time they came to get me from our room, we were down to two first names, which we thought was good. Minutes later, we were meeting our little boy for the first time. We looked at him together, and decided that he should be named Jonah. He was so nice and pink, and had a really strong set of screaming lungs.
When they brought him to the warmer to get cleaned and weighed, we were very surprised (as was the doctor) to hear that he *only* weighed 8lb 14oz.
I’m pretty sure I used the word “tiny peanut” to describe him at some point. The nurses laughed, and assured me that he was still a pretty big baby.
While the doctor finished up with me, Matt took Jonah to the nursery where they measured him and did some tests. As it turns out, he had very low blood sugar, so they gave him a little bit of milk to keep it from going lower before he could nurse.
By the time they brought him to me, he was happy, pink, and ready to eat again. After the difficulty I had nursing Micah at the beginning, I was prepared for a struggle, but he latched right on and nursed like a champ.
It was so great to get to see and hold our newest little boy.
By the time they transferred us to a post-postpartum room, we looked out the window and saw that it had started to snow. As it turned out, it was quite a crazy storm that messed up traffic for several days. Lucky for us, we were cozy in our room, watching it all out the window.
We sat around in our room for most of the day, because the weather and traffic were so bad people couldn’t safely make it out to see us. Matt and I were able to relax and cuddle our new baby as I recovered from my c-section.
By later that night, I was able to get up and walk around a bit, and they brought us down to the nursery to see Jonah get his first (sponge) bath.
They closely monitored his blood sugar over the next few days (which eventually evened out) and did a few other tests, which he passed. Yay!
Hearing test
Over the next few days, we had several visitors who braved the slippery roads to come visit us.
“Aunties” (my cousins) Christine and Sarah
Tío Moy and Tía Minda
Auntie Sandi
Uncle Tim
Grandma and Grandpa Johnson came, and brought Micah to come see his new little brother.
Micah was excited to see us, and it was so good to see him, too! He was interested in this new little baby, and slightly cautious. We had been talking about Baby Brother for so long, and he finally got to meet him!
Proud Big Brother
Family of four
By Sunday morning, we were so ready to go home! We packed up all of our things and put Jonah into some “real” clothes. Turns out, they were way too big, but they still looked really cute on him. 🙂
Jonah didn’t even seem to mind the car seat. We bundled him all up because it was really cold outside!
A nurse came to bring us down to the car, and we were on our way home!
The roads were definitely slippery, but we made it home (all 1.3 miles) safely. We were greeted at the front door by a flower delivery from the previous day. Seriously? What delivery person leaves a flower arrangement on the porch in sub zero temps?
Very dead flowers
(Luckily, the flower company cheerfully replaced the arrangement the next day.)
Much better!
When we came in the door, one of the first things that we saw was that part of the ceiling in the dining room had fallen down. We figure it’s most likely due to some ice dams on the roof and all the snow.
Definitely some excitement for the first few minutes home, but nothing too bad. Later that afternoon, my parents came to drop off Micah. We were glad to all be home.
Micah has handled the change about as expected. He loves Jonah, is super curious, and is a great helper, but he also has requires a of of extra love and attention (and patience).
It has buttons!!
We are so wonderfully blessed by friends and family members coming to visit, and sending cards, messages, phone calls, meals, and gifts. Thank you to everyone for celebrating the arrival of Jonah Olaf with us!!